Los Alamos Community Foundation

A nonprofit organization

$960 raised by 7 donors

10% complete

$10,000 Goal

We Elevate and We Celebrate All Los Alamos Nonprofits!

The Los Alamos Community Foundation improves quality of life in our community by inspiring, facilitating, and supporting enduring philanthropy and building the capacity and success of our local nonprofit organizations.

Our Story:

Ten years ago, 57 local individuals and families pledged to establish LACF as a source of enduring and diversified support, a “savings account” for our community, its nonprofit organizations and the causes they serve. Since then, we have grown into a thriving organization making a real impact in our community and for its future. 

Our Impact:

Funding to Secure a Thriving Future

  • Securing a community endowment of over $1,500,000 under sixteen component funds invested to provide a recurring, permanent source of local funding support.
  • Granting over $250,000 to 54 organizations from endowed and directed funds including $115,000 in targeted grants to build resiliency of local organizations.
  • Establishing LACF as a trusted partner for distributing relief funds during the COVID pandemic, and more recently with wildfire disaster and recovery efforts.

Training and Convening Leaders

  • Hosting an annual training series for nonprofit staff and board members since 2018.
  • Supporting local leaders by convening peer sessions of executive directors and health providers.

Connecting Community and Building Nonprofit Capacity

  • Manage VolunteerLosAlamos.org, a central website for volunteers and nonprofits to connect.
  • Manage LosAlamosGives.org, a community Giving Tuesday campaign and website to facilitate local giving to area nonprofits.

We’ve come a long way in 10 years. With your support, we'll continue growing our financial impact and leadership to ensure a thriving future for Los Alamos. 

Organization Data


Organization name

Los Alamos Community Foundation

Tax id (EIN)



Community Volunteer Memorials


1200 Trinity Drive Suite 120



Social Media