Pajarito Plateau Heritage Preservation Endowment

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Los Alamos Community Foundation
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Preserve the heritage of the Homestead Era on the Pajarito Plateau.


raised by 2 people

$1,000 goal

Donations Matched 100% by Endowment Founder! 

For every dollar gifted, fund creator Georgia Strickfaden will contribute an equal amount to double your donation!


Established by Georgia Strickfaden, this endowment provides for the preservation of the historic heritage of the Homestead Era of the Pajarito Plateau, to include things such as buildings, features, and the study of agricultural practices.

The Lujan Cabin, in its original location on North Mesa, view to southwest, 1942.

The Lujan home now anchors the North Mesa Stable area. Its cistern is still identifiable in the ground on north end of house. In 1946, it became the office and tack room for Jay Kirkpatrick’s horse rental concession, leading to the establishment of the rodeo and trail riding activities for the developing town of Los Alamos.

There are still cabins in existence that are in need of conservation, preservation or restoration. 

Numerous community trails still show the ruts of wagons that made their way up the hill on the way to the fertile mountain pastures above.

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